One can tell much about a person by the shoes they wear. A pair of shoes may also hold sentimental value of the places we’ve been to and hopes of where they can take us.
These three shoes represent different aspects of my personality. The rollerblades represent my adventurous side. I like novelties and am constantly experimenting with my art. Though much of our daily activities are done on autopilot, I tend to ask myself, how can I make this more interesting? For instance, try crossing the road wearing rollerblades.
The orange sneakers, on the other hand, express my wild and wacky trademark. Yes everyone may have a pair of Converse, but I chose orange because frankly, I don’t mind that people think I’m “just too much”. Be it with clothes or in my art, I love using bold colors. People tend to find them to come off too strong, but I guess that’s just the way I am. Another thing about these sneakers is that I inserted beads into the shoelaces and wrote song lyrics and quotes on them. I like to take every opportunity to express myself.
Finally, the doll shoes which resemble ballet shoes (but aren’t) is my least favorite of all three. I hardly ever wear it because it takes quite a while to put on and is not as comfortable. I say ballet shoes because, figuratively speaking, I feel like I’m always on my toes.
I chose to distort this image because these aspects are all blended within me as if I’m wearing all three at the same time, and yet these do not make up a complete depiction of who I am.