“Cover, Girl” is a representation of a present-day model with and without the labels. She is a persona who represents every girl and no one at the same time.
The entire portrait is cluttered with ironies and paradoxes. From the first look of the portrait itself, it seems that the girl is hiding--wanting to disappear and wanting to be found at the same time.
She is both aloof and inferior, both thick-skinned and fragile. The words “tough” and “dauntless”, although less readable, can be seen at the top center. However, these words ring empty because they are only part of the image that the cover girl attempts to exude, yet fails.
On the bottom right are the words “Uncompromising hero”. Girls look up to the cover girl almost like a hero; uncompromising because she consistently appears the same, according to the standards of contemporary beauty. This again is an irony, because the girl underneath the facade has cheated herself more than anyone else by not being herself.