You will be hated for being perfect
You will be mocked for your failures
You will be misunderstood for helping
You will be told to sit down
You will be told to shut up
You will be judged for staying silent
You will be pressured to abandon your religion
You will be called lofty for being ambitious
You will be scoffed at for making mistakes
You will be found repulsive for being human
You will be deemed shallow or mean for telling jokes
Because everyone knows that jokes are half meant
You will be rejected for being too nice
Because everyone knows that being too nice is boring

You will be abandoned for being too cold, critical, and calculating
You will be scorned for being too free spirited and impulsive

You will be left behind for your indecisiveness and failure to deliver
You will turn off people for jumping into conclusions too fast
You will be pushed away for loving

You will have no excuse for making mistakes
Because everyone knows that everyone makes mistakes
And making mistakes are unprofessional
Therefore being human is unprofessional and really animalistic
But before you criticize my rash reasoning
Think about it really
We are not to bring personal and relational problems to work and vice versa
We are expected to generate work like machines
Society tells us to be ourselves
While simultaneously holding a set of ideals
People will be ambivalent and apathetic
For reasons that aren’t yours to find out
You will be told to get over your hurts
Get over your uncertainty
Get over your self-consciousness
You will be told that withdrawal is being lazy
“You’re only as good as your last performance”
And when people have seen all you’ve got
They will find someone else to replace you